A Quick Thank You...

A Quick Thank You...

-To Adventfear/ A.K.A, Nick/A.K.A, Creator of Tom and Annabelle: for giving me the
inspiration to finally start this story of mine and for the amazing UFO lot my sims live on!

-To Mimm of BMC: for helping me with a download problem and keeping me from shooting my computer with a shot gun.

-To all the other BMCers who made me feel welcome and made me enjoy Sims that much more and always helping out when I had questions.

-And to my self for getting off my lazy butt to finally start this story that has been floating around in my mind since November of 2011.

Mar 18, 2012

Chapter 4: Gift from the Past

     Several months had passed since the time machine accident. Life had gone on almost unchanged. With the exception of Subrina still being in some sort of coma or trance. That hadn't stopped Jack from seeing her everyday. It did stop him from shaveing and getting a hair cut though.
He spent his time reading the new books that came in the mail everyday to Subrina,


  She loved reading, and had signed up for the book club. Jack knew this, and had a feeling she could still hear him. So he read to her when every he could. It took away from his duties though. Like with repairs, Redd had to pick up on that. The Captain didn't mind though, she knew Jack needed to be with Subrina as much as Subrina needed him with her. So she let it slide.
She did worry about him not getting out enough though.


She came into the sick bay during her break. With out saying anything at first, she looked at Subrina, she had slipped her into PJs for comfort, now she lay there, looking like a doll. Then she shifted her gaze to Jack. His hair was longer and so was his beard. If they were on Earth, she would have to make him clean up. They weren't on Earth though, they were in deep space.

" Jack, reading to her all the time won't make things better. And it's not helping you either. You should get out and do something. Redd and I are working on things for her. Like, Redd is writing a song to play her,

and I've been working in the garden, as creepy as that cow thing is..."
     It was true, both of them were doing something nice for Subrina, even if it meant taking on her jobs. Jack just let out a heavy sigh and closed the book he was reading and stood up.
" You're right Captain, I'm useless just sitting here. I hate seeing her like this is all..." He started to head for the door.
" Where are you going Jack? What are you going to do?" She sounded worried at that moment, he had been so moody since the incident. " I'm going to find a way to cure Subrina..." With that he was gone, the first place he went was the planets mine. 
It was dark at the mine, it didn't help it was late at night either. He slowly walked down the steps, being careful to not miss any and lose is footing. He was there for one reason.
 Fishing. The mine had the smallest and most secluded fishing spots in the area, and Jack wanted to do some research on the dark dwelling fish, he was lucky and caught one. He also went to a few other places and collected a few other things.
Like seeds from the park,
  and knowledge from the library. While there he read up on time machine accidents. Sadly, they didn't happen often or weren't recorded, so it didn't help him like he hoped.
Before heading back home, he stopped by the Prestige to look into more research possibilities. He was awestruck by the size of the once working ship.

When he got back to base, he did some research on an odd crystal tree the crew had gotten a hold of.

     While Jack was out and about doing his odd forms of research, Pearl was doing her own.
 She decided she would try and find out what went wrong buy going to the same time period Subrina had, so she suited up, pushed some buttons, and jumped in.
 She came back with some odd results though....
Just as Pearl was making her discovery, Jack was walking into the room.

"Who the heck is that...?"
 "Jack!! Hay...ummm, this is my son, I guess. Yeah, he came out of the time machine with me after I went in to figure out what had happened to Subrina. It's completely normal..." Jack just looked at her for a few moments.
 "Right... Because children coming out of time machines is normal... sigh, what are you going to do with him? Cuss I can't help, I need to do some work."
 "Ummm well, I'm going to keep him, I guess... His name is Franklin. He seems pretty sweet. Ugh, I'm a mom, I feel so old..." Jack just shook his head and walked away to the chem table.
Pearl had to deal with her new son. "So, hi. Ummm, how about we get you in the Sim Fleet approved clothes? What do you think? Want to be a young cadet? "
 " Would I? That sounds cool!!!" So Pearl pulled out a weird device and zapped the boy into some new threads.
 "Looking good kid. Hay...will you follow me for a minute? I'll make sure you get shown around, but I need to talk to that guy over there."
Jack had moved to the inventing table by then.
"Jack, do you have a minute?"
 He was deep in thought and work, and Pearl couldn't get a word from him.
 "Why don't you talk to him alone? Is there someone who can show me around?"
"Good idea...if you go up stairs, you should find a man wearing a black and yellow uniform. Tell him I sent you and that I want him to show you around." And with that the child let the room and Pearl pulled Jack away from his work.
"Hello there. I'm Franklin." Little Franklin just stood there looking at the man fighting with the gumball machine.
 " Mmmhhmmm..." Redd was to focused to notice the child with pink and white hair.
 Until he finished that is. "Wait a minute...who the heck are you???" So Franklin told his short story and so began the tour.
Meanwhile, Jack was doing what he was told and went to his room to clean up.
 He stopped and looked int he mirror. "Man, I am a mess. Look at this beard..." He was mumbling to his self.
 "Ugh, I need to shave this off. I can't let Subrina seeing me like this when she wakes up."
 So he did. He shaved his beard down to a fine stubble, and cut his hair down back to Sim Fleet standards.
He just smiled. He looked better and felt better. He was glad the Captain made him clean up both his act and his face.  He then decided to head over to the sick bay to check on Subrina.
 Jack was surprised when he saw Pearl's pink hair son sitting on the extra bed. And even more surprised when he spoke.
 "I know how to save her, I have the last thing you have been looking for..."
 "What are you talking about?" Jack walked over to Subrina's resting body.
 "I was there...before Pearl saved me from the streets. I saw what happened to Subrina while I was playing in the woods.What ever it was... The point is, I have the last thing you need to fix this. To save her."
 The boy got up and walked over to Jack, without a word, and pulled a nice wrapped box from his pocket. Handing it to Jack, he silently left the room to go find a means of entertainment. Jack just looked at it for a while, then rushed down to the chem table to finish the potion he was working on.
"Almost done..." He was careful wen adding the last few ingredients. He didn't want his work to go to waste.
 Finally, after hours of handling chemicals and other mind blowing things, the potion was done. "YES!"
Jack then went back to the sick bay were Subrina lay. He was nervous, and just looked at the pink and foaming drink in his hands.
 Then he got up and leaned in the pour the elixir into Subrina's mouth. It went down fine, but she didn't move.
Then, out of no where, she sat up. Looking around with a dazed look, she asked, "Why am I in my PJs in the sick bay?"
 "SUBRINA!!! OH! I'm so happy you are OK!" Jack grabbed her and gave her a big hug after she had gotten to her feet. She just giggled, and asked, "Jack, what happened, first you were reading to me every day, then you disappeared for a day and the next thing I know I'm awake in the sick bay."
 "Heh, well, it's a long story. I'll tell you about it later. OK? But for now let's let everyone know you are back." She silently agreed and within minuets she was bombarded with hugs.
 "OH I'm so happy you are OK Subrina, I wrote a song for you, I'll have to play it later."
 "I kept the garden up for you Subrina, that cow plant gave me the creeps though. I gave Redd extra pay to feed it for me."
 Subrina was glad to be back and was glad she was missed so much. knowing that Jack was so sad stayed on her mind though. There was nothing she could do at the time. So she showered up and changed back into her uniform she missed so much.
 She then stood in front of the mirror. She didn't look different, but she felt different. About her self and about Jack. Either way she was happy. She just smiled and sighed to herself.
"It is good to be home..."

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