A Quick Thank You...

A Quick Thank You...

-To Adventfear/ A.K.A, Nick/A.K.A, Creator of Tom and Annabelle: for giving me the
inspiration to finally start this story of mine and for the amazing UFO lot my sims live on!

-To Mimm of BMC: for helping me with a download problem and keeping me from shooting my computer with a shot gun.

-To all the other BMCers who made me feel welcome and made me enjoy Sims that much more and always helping out when I had questions.

-And to my self for getting off my lazy butt to finally start this story that has been floating around in my mind since November of 2011.

Apr 2, 2012

Chapter 5: Crash Landing

-Two Months Later-
     " Hello Captain Juno. You are looking wonderful. I hope Lunar Lakes is treating you well." Pearl just scofted, remembering what had happend to the only other female in her crew. "I have a new derective for you." Oh Great, she thought. "You and your crew are to orbit one of the water planets near here. Just a planet or two away. You are needed to scan the planet. HQ is curious to see were the water goes when a new island forms, persuming there are islands. Anyway, let your crew know and pack up somethings. You should be coming back to Lunar Lakes, but just in case..."

"No problem Sir." And with that Pearl shut the communtication off and called up the other two members who weren't on the bridge with her.
"Get up here ASAP you guys." She put away her com link to the sound of Redd's voice.
"I'll get things ready for launch Captain." Redd went on pushing buttons as Subrina and Jack came up the stairs. Jack went over to help Redd and Subrina took her place. When all things were ready they launched.

     A bright pink flare was seen for miles and the ship shot up in an instant. They cruised to their next destination, a small water planet that was a mystery. All anybody knew was that is was all water. On the two or three hour flight,Redd went on about how he didn't like this. He wasn't a nervous guy, but things never seemed right to him. Normally he was right, but they stayed on course.
     Half way through their trip though...
 "Uuuuugh...my body." Smoke gathered in the crater the crew had just crawled from. flames and electricity shot up and debris was littered around the crash site.
"What the hell happened?" Redd moaned, his eyes were laying heavily on the crater that contained their ship.
"No idea, but we're are not going to get anything from that..." Pearl replied. She was rubbing her body and checking for broken bones by that time. They all felt lucky to be alive. Jack noted an odd feeling before they blacked out and after the first hit they took from nowhere.
"I swear I felt a force field. It must of saved us from dying..." He looked at Rose, the cat was unscathed and licking her paws.
"Well," Subrina's voice piped in then, "What ever happened..."

"We seemed to have landed on an island..." And Subrina was right. They HAD landed on an island.

A Beautiful but small island. Bird could 
be heard chirping and the sound of small
animal feet surrounded the crew.          A thick smoke started gather in the base of the crater then, and Pearl made a decision to move on and find camp on a beach. 

So they were off.

     Running through the palm trees and passing huge boulders. They wanted to get somewhere safe before night fall. And while on a new planet, you never know when that is.
While running, Redd couldn't help but think that he was right about this being a bad idea. Even as second in command, he couldn't out rule his boss's boss.
     They finally found a place to build camp. And while on the way they found fresh water to clean up in, and happened to have spare clothes in their "kits" they carried. After reaching an open beach, Subrina started setting up a beacon as an S.O.S and Pearl told Jack to see if he could find any people or food besides the plenty of fish Redd was catching. So Jack set off. 

 He met a man names Jones Divewell and his wife, Indiana Divewell.
 He found out that they were travels who came to the island on a yearly vacation but lost their ship in a storm. And were now living on the island along with the few natives that showed themselves.

Jack asked if they had any supplies because he and his crew had crash landed on the island some how and had only their emergency kits of an extra set of clothes, phasers and sleeping bags. Jones gladly gave him some matches and a few other things. Like a telescope, some string and materials for chairs and some food pokers so they didn't have to eat off of sticks. Jack thanked him greatly and started to head back. He knew that Pearl would be so happy to see that he also got a cauldron to cook in. When he got back the others helped him set some things up.

     About a week had gone on and things were normal enough.

 Jack was keeping watch of the sky and noting anything odd or for signs of help.
 Sadly, there were no signs of another Sim Fleet ship, or any other ship for that matter.
 The pink cat and the just as pink boy (from the past) fished from the clear ocean waters that surrounded the beautiful island. Redd would also fish, but most of his time was spent up keeping the camp and making sure the fire stayed strong.
While Subrina...well, she fed her cow plant she managed to save. (No one knows how though.) She didn't want him getting hungry and eating one of her beloved crew mates. 

     On one of the last days of that first week, Pearl called Subrina over for a request. 
 "I need two of you guys to check out the island more. I could have sworn I saw a stone building when on our way to the beach. And now that we are more situated, we need scouts. You are one of my best, and I'd go with you, but I need to stay here in case we make contact with help. "
 Moments after she let out her last few words, Jack walked up to her. "I'll go with Subrina Captain."
 "Are you sure Jack? I can have Redd go, all he's been doing is fishing and starting a fire."
"No, It's fine, I'll do it." And with that, Pearl nodded and walked away.
 "You really don't have to Jack...I mean..." She paused  a bit,
 "I mean, I really appreciate it, Jack, and ummmm..." She paused again, this time her hand slipped behind her back and she blushed.
 With her hand moving from behind her back and a shy smile she handed Jack yellow flowers wrapped in sun dried leaves that looked white in the moon light. "I never got to thank you properly for getting me out of that weird coma..."
 "OH WOW! These are amazing Subrina..." Jack blushed and set the flowers down on the near by table.
"They remind me off you...." He let out a small chuckle and looked down. He couldn't see she was beaming.
     They rested the rest of the night and set out the next morning. And just like Pearl said, there stood a stone building. It's shadow loomed over Jack and Subrina, to a point that they felt like it was still night time.
 "Wow..." Subrina mumbled. "What is this?"
 "I think it's a tomb,like the ones they keep bodies in, although I'm not sure why it's on this little island."
 "We should explore it! Or I could, I think I see stairs that you could check out." Subrina said. Jack just nodded in agreement and called up the Captain.
 They talked for a few moments, Jack gave details and the squeaking sound of Pearl's voice came through the com link.
 After a few moments, Jack put his com away. "She said sounds good and be careful, collect samples if you can." Subrina replied with an OK and stepped to the dark brown door.
 It was worn with weather and the copper hinges were green from the years of ocean air. It creaked open ans stepped in, the door slamming behind her.
 Jack walked down the dark stair well. Inside a small room he spotted something on the ground.
 After a few moments of messing with the ominous contraption, he managed to disable a would be death trap.
 He shot up dust from its old gears and Jack was able to cross over safely.
 His reward!? A chest with some dirt in it. Very shiny dirt at that. He crossed back over the trap and stopped by a door.
It had an odd plaque with a heart shape carved into it. He counted the possible things behind the door in his head and decided it wasn't worth trying to force open. So he headed back up the stairs. 

 He was met by a cheery, yet scorched, Subrina. "Hi Jack" She giggled.
 "What in the world happened to you?" Jack had a bewildered look on his face.
 She just gave a smug smirk and said, "oh you know...zombie bears." Jack still looked confused, but suggested she wash up really quick in the near by water.
 So she did, carefully cleaning of the grime and ashes from the tomb, before getting in fresh clothes.
Jack just looked the other way, keeping watch, and studying the stone building that seemed out of place on the island. After she was done, they started to walk again, they found another stone structure...errr pillar,and stopped. 

 "Jack...." she looked deep into his fantastic teal eyes. God how she loved his eyes,
 all she could do was smile though, and from the looked of it, that's all he could do as well.
 He stepped closer with a looked that just seemed whisper "shh, its OK, I know" And with in seconds of him stepping forward,
 He had her agaist the old stone pillar in a deep kiss. Jack could have sworn he heard a sonic boom, but figured it was trhe effect of doing something stupid. They lingered there for a bit before Jack broke away.
 He turned around with Subrina rubbing her neck in shock. Did that just happen!!??,she thought. Jack just looked over his should though and said a quiet, "...That didn't just happen, OK? Don't speak of it...." He turned away, trying to hold back a frown.
 He didn't see the face of anger and hurt that Subrina was not trying to hide. She was baffled that he said that, but only responded with, "I'll let the captain we are coming back. "
     She walked a few feet away from the isolated Jack and called up the Captain, the sadness still shadowing her face. "We are going to head back now Captain." 

 "GREAT!!! Hurry up, OK?" She hung up abruptly, but still sounded happy. Subrina shrugged it off and her three second lover and her set off for camp.
 When they got back... "uh, Captain?" Jack's voice was heard by Pearl who was standing on a small space craft's  loading dock. "YEAH JACK!?" Pearl shouted over the hum of the ship. She walked down the spiral stairs the came from the back of the space craft.
 "What is that Captain?" He looked confused again.
"That? Oh, our beacon was heard and the Confederation sent us a basic ship, but ts not good for travel, it had a few training supplies, sleeping docks, and other things."
 "But umm, well, I also got word from the big honcho on Earth....They want us to stay here and continue our work until further notice. He also said we wont be going back to Lunar Lakes..."
 "That's great." Is what Jack said and looked like he meant. Yet he was thinking of how messed up it was. Either way, Subrina heard this and decided to start working on a way to get the heck off the island.
"Great, I'm going to see what Redd is up to." And with that sh walked away.

     Redd was in the ship messing with a training device.

 "Ok, let's do this." The odd machine started up, and as soon as sparks began to fly...
 "Oh crud!" He knew he was in for a bumpy ride.
 He was right of course. Pearl just laughed and walked up to him.
 "Uh, Redd, try again, but try the training clothes, you know. The ones that are all back that we use for time travel, etc.?"
 "Alright Captain, I can do this, I know I can! I'll keep training. I want to be able to not get knocked out while crashing." Pearl just rolled her eyes and left the ship. Redd changed into his training clothes and got back in the contraption. He was perfectly content with staying here for a while and spinning in circles.
Subrina, on the other hand, was working on a way to get OFF of the island, and hopefully off the planet.

She was far from content when it came to staying there. "Stupid crash landing..." She grumbled to herself as she worked. 

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