A Quick Thank You...

A Quick Thank You...

-To Adventfear/ A.K.A, Nick/A.K.A, Creator of Tom and Annabelle: for giving me the
inspiration to finally start this story of mine and for the amazing UFO lot my sims live on!

-To Mimm of BMC: for helping me with a download problem and keeping me from shooting my computer with a shot gun.

-To all the other BMCers who made me feel welcome and made me enjoy Sims that much more and always helping out when I had questions.

-And to my self for getting off my lazy butt to finally start this story that has been floating around in my mind since November of 2011.

Mar 7, 2012

Chapter 2: First Mission

     The crew had finally gotten their first mission. They were being sent to a marsh planet in the area. They were told to collect samples and observe the people. An easy task. The two exploration leaders went up to the teleportation platforms and waited for Jack to set things up.
     "Hurry up Jack!" Subrina said, she was anxious to go on her first world exploration. Her and Pearl where in charge of beaming down to worlds and checking things out. Although, Pearl normally did the interactions with the locals because Subrina was the shy type.
     "Oh calm down, I only have a few more things....and...THERE!" Both the girls sighed with relief. " Now just step in the teleporter and you'll be good to go."
The two ladies did as told and they where off. Redd was concerned and pulled Jack over after Jack was done checking the ladies vitals.  "Jack, are you sure they will be fine? That they don't need helmets or something?"
"I mean, how do we know they won't be killed as soon as they get there?"

     "Don't worry about it Commander, they will be fine. I did scans of the air and it's non toxic. I also did some leg work and asked the people round town about that planet. One of the store owners says he trades there sometimes and the people are not savage beast. Besides, they can handle them selves."  Redd just sighed in response. He couldn't argue with Jack, not when he was using logic and facts. Just as the boys were finishing up their conversation, the ladies where re-materializing on the surface of the swamp planet.
     "Ugh, my neck. I hope my spin is n the right order," Subrina looked around. "Uh, Captain...this place is kind of dumpy..."
     She was right. How could she be anything other than right though? They where on a swamp planet after all. There was a low fog that covered the ground, and long moss hanging from the trees. Tall grass shot up from the ground in dying clumps and a broken and rotting bridge could be seen. The two hoped the town would be better. Time would tell, all they knew they had to do was collect data. So that is what they did.
 Subrina collected insects
  and Pearl documented wild life.
 Then Subrina did some studying of the grave stones and
 the history of the planet while Pearl collected local metals for experiments, building and data.
 She was slightly annoyed the inhabitants only threw away pipes with red paint.
After trudging around the more wild parts of the area, Pearl also headed into town.
                                                             She met some locals.
                                                         They were defiantly humoniods,
                           But they seemed to have very different facial structures...ugly ones for that matter.
            Before heading to the town's "restaurant", Pearl grabbed some body scans for body structure data.

The main reason for grabbing food was for the sampling of the planets cuisine, the second reason; they where hungry.
      "This planet seem pretty normal, and the people are nice." Pearl said about half way through her meal.
 A waiter came and took Subrina's plate. "Yeah, I guess. I really liked the planets history."
 "I mean, I read like five different books on this planet. A complete time line. So amazing."
      "I bet," Pearl said, "Hay, did you see a guy with red-ish skin? I think he was the only guy that wasn't nice to me."
" Oh yeah!!! I saw him. He didn't look to happy. I tried to not talk to anyone though...not my strong point you know. Hay. I think we should be getting back to our camp. Jack says we need to be fully rested before teleporting again."

     "Good idea Subrina, You call Jack up and let him know we will be ready to be beamed back up at 06 00 tomorrow. I'm going to hail a cab. Ha, cabs. So much like earth."
 So she did just that, "Jack? you read me?"  "Read you load and clear." "Good, we will be ready to beam back at 06 00 tomorrow. OK?" "You got it Subrina, I'll make sure to have everything set up.Over and out." The line closed and Subrina walked to the cab that Pearl had hailed moments before.

     The next morning the Captain and her culture queen were ready to go, pearl giggles and let out a beam us up Scotty. Subrina laughed just as a bright light enveloped them both. Pearl was first, then her.
Back at the ship...
"Why is it taking so long Jack??? They aren't getting their bodies switched are they?"
"Oh calm down Commander, I've fine tuned this thing my self. There is nothing to worry about."
"OK, fine...but if the Captain...." Just then a buzzing noise was heard.
"See Commander, they are fine." The two ladies appeared in front of the men in complete bodies. Redd just let out a relaxed sigh.
 Redd went over to Subrina and Pearl to ask how it was. "Oh you know, normal, but the people had very different facial structures...we have pictures you can see later." As those two talked about the oddly ugly people of the swamp planet, Jack gave the Captain her messages.
"We got news from command. He wanted you to know our next goal is training and taking part in time travel."
"Time travel?" She asked, "huh, OK, they don't seem to have a set agenda. But who am I to question my bosses. Right? I say bring it on." A smug smile came across her face. She liked this idea of finally getting to try out the time machine.
"Great...they want us to continue our normal routine for a week, then start our new task." With that, the four Sim Fleet members walked down to the lower bunkers of their makeshift home and continued with their daily lives. For now that is...

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