A Quick Thank You...

A Quick Thank You...

-To Adventfear/ A.K.A, Nick/A.K.A, Creator of Tom and Annabelle: for giving me the
inspiration to finally start this story of mine and for the amazing UFO lot my sims live on!

-To Mimm of BMC: for helping me with a download problem and keeping me from shooting my computer with a shot gun.

-To all the other BMCers who made me feel welcome and made me enjoy Sims that much more and always helping out when I had questions.

-And to my self for getting off my lazy butt to finally start this story that has been floating around in my mind since November of 2011.

Apr 12, 2012

Chapter 5.5: Upset Thoughts

-Note- No pictures for this chapter. Sorry. Haven't felt like playing sims. This is a "1/2" part to chapter 5. Enjoy-

     The days continued slowly for Subrina after the day a ship came and a message told them to stay on the island. She couldn't even look at Jack without her stomach turning. Yet, she wasn't sure if it was an angry turning or a turning caused by butterflies. Either way, it made her gut hurt and the lack of real food did not help.

     Even with the recent help sent by the big wigs on Earth, the crew wasn't eating normal food. They still ate the random plants Subrina managed to grow and the fish the others were catching. Speaking of food, Subrina was sitting at the fire, roasting up some shark that was caught earlier that morning. As she sat there turning the raw meat over the crackling fire, Jack came and sat next to her. At first she didn't notice him, she was too busy thinking about the other day. Jack finally caught her attention when he joined her skewed shark with a stick covered in veggies. Ones she had grown with much love.

"I fed your cow plant..." His voice was soft and steady, but he seemed upset.
"Thanks...have you tried the shark?" She held up her stick with little enthusiasm.
"No, not yet, I was thinking of having that for the main course. These veggies are great though." He then held up his stick, a smile on his handsome face. Subrina just let out a hmmm and continued rotating her shark meat. She then zoned out and began to ignore the black haired, heart breaker sitting next to her, and fell deep into thought.

     Why do I always feel so blah when he's near me? Was it the kiss? Was it the fact that I heard his voice read to me every day that I was trapped in that white void? GOD!! What is wrong with me? I feel like I hate him, but he makes me happy. It must be because he rejected me like that...told me that amazing moment didn't happen, to not talk about it. THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! That is what I wanted to say, but I didn't. Subrina, the shy and powerless girl who can't tell the guy who saved her, who kissed her for the first time ever...that she...

Jack cut in at that moment, "Subrina? Are you OK?"
"Huh? What? Oh....yeah, I'm fine." She stood up then, and walked back to her workbench, leaving her shark meat and a heart throb behind. Alone to work and think her upset thoughts.


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