A Quick Thank You...

A Quick Thank You...

-To Adventfear/ A.K.A, Nick/A.K.A, Creator of Tom and Annabelle: for giving me the
inspiration to finally start this story of mine and for the amazing UFO lot my sims live on!

-To Mimm of BMC: for helping me with a download problem and keeping me from shooting my computer with a shot gun.

-To all the other BMCers who made me feel welcome and made me enjoy Sims that much more and always helping out when I had questions.

-And to my self for getting off my lazy butt to finally start this story that has been floating around in my mind since November of 2011.

Jun 12, 2012

Chapter 6: Evil Plans?

~Meanwhile...On a nearby moon...~
                                                       "NOT SO FAST DR. D....."

"Sigh...He's not here..."
"Oh....Ugh, were is he???"
"He is outside, looking for "evil" scrap."
"Oh, uh...thanks." With that, Money Baggs quickly ran outside...        

"So we meet again Dr. Dull! And as always, I'm here to stop your evil plans!!!"
The man in all white stood up slowly...


Then he looked at the woman covered in purple.
" Who? Me? I don't know what you are talking about. What evil plans?" He smiled sheepishly.

                                                                         " Don't play coy with me DR. Dull!!!"

"GRRRR Fine! What do you want Money Baggs?"

"I'm here to stop you and bring you to justice"
"Hmmmm..." He thought about that statement for a moment.
 "Fine, but I'm in control!" With that they looked at each other as Dr. Dull smirked,
and within seconds a bright light surrounded them both as they teleported.
"This, this is my plan."
"A blank screen?" Her expression matched the monitor in front of her.
                 "Ugh, no, THIS is my plan." He turned on the screen and images flashed before Money Baggs's eyes.    

"*GASP* What a horrible thing!!!!!!!"
A look of triumph crossed her face though.
"Ha, don't worry Dr. Dull, I will win. Don't you worry, I will win." And with that she disappeared out of the lair.  
Later that day...      
 Now that I am alone, I can finally do what I wanted, EVILLY,
    ~sing~~" And so he sang karaoke.... Uh, yeah, super evil.
Back at Money Baggs's HQ...
"We have to find a way to save those poor Sim Fleet crew members on that island..."
"Show me what you got." She turned around to look at her adopted brothers computer screen.
"Well....." They then spent the next several hours discussing a rescue plan for our favorite heroes. While of course, the bad guys ranted about stupid things...
"Grrr, I don't know why they think I'm not REALLY evil, I mean, I have the laugh down and everything..."
"Is it because I sing? What is wrong with evil people singing? It is so much fun!"
"ARG! I hate him!!! Why does he get the colorful hair? HUH!?"
 "I mean come on!!! He hates color!!!! And I LOVE it and I'm the one with white hair?"
"Sigh, Look at me, I'm fablous, and far mor evil. He is just so, blah. So white and colorless."
"And why can't I be the main evil dude?  I'm just the cloned son who has the opposite color likes."
 "It's just unfair, you know?"
"You understand were I'm coming from, right?"
"Ugh! Of course you don't I don't even know why I tried talking to you..."
Back at The Baggs HQ, the purple cladded hero had an idea while running.
"Hehehe,m I got it."  So she quickly got into her normal clothes and ran to her travel machine.
"Here we go..." She leaned back to jump in and then...
* whoosh* The purple light engulfed her as she jumped thought time and space.
"Uh-oh, I think I just felt my evil plans being picked apart by a purple hero...."

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