A Quick Thank You...

A Quick Thank You...

-To Adventfear/ A.K.A, Nick/A.K.A, Creator of Tom and Annabelle: for giving me the
inspiration to finally start this story of mine and for the amazing UFO lot my sims live on!

-To Mimm of BMC: for helping me with a download problem and keeping me from shooting my computer with a shot gun.

-To all the other BMCers who made me feel welcome and made me enjoy Sims that much more and always helping out when I had questions.

-And to my self for getting off my lazy butt to finally start this story that has been floating around in my mind since November of 2011.

Sep 1, 2012

Chapter 9: A Normal Life?

The sound of waves and seagulls drifted in the air. A soft, salty breeze waft into her nose and the warm sun bathed her, even in the shadows of a palm tree.
Pearl, wake up. Come on, you'll burn laying there....
"Can you hear me??? Hay! Lazy bones!!!"
"mmmm...What?" Pearl Juno stirred in her lounge chair as her friend Subrina called her.

"Oh, sorry Bri, I guess I fell asleep, what's up?" She asked as she opened her eyes,
"I set up the picnicked, the boys already ate."

"Oh, ok, that sounds good to me." She got out of her chair, trying not to wake her oddly color cat, and joined Subrina for lunch.
"Mmmmmm, these are great Bri," Pearl said with a full mouth, "Just how I like them."
"Thanks, and no problem, but Jack made them, not me."
After eating her fill of hot dogs and watermelon, Pearl looked at her long time friend with confusion on her face, "Hay...I had a really weird dream while sleeping. Want to hear it?"
"Of course!" Subrina exclaimed.
"Well, we were all in a thing called the Sim Fleet, and we were something like the crew of Sims Fleet 2K. I was the Captain, Redd was my Commander and you and Jack were members, something about culture and computers. We were sent on a mission to study a planet then sent on a new mission, but something went wrong and we like, crashed! Then we were stranded and met this weird chick in purple, and Rose could talk and it was just...yeah...Pure insanity... Like, it was space insanity."
The two women looked down as they both absorb the information, before Subrina spoke up.
"Wow...that is a weird dream...like, crazy." Then see laughed, a smile on her face.

                                                                                               "But it was just that Pearl, a dream! I mean, we live on this beautiful island,
and are married to two great guys!!!" 

"You have Redd over there,
while I have Jack!"

"And on top of that, Rose is a perfectly normal cat, well, besides her fur color..."
"I guess you're right Bri...,
But it felt so real!!!" With that, the ladies cleaned up their lunch.

"Do you think dreams mean anything, like could a dream like that happen to us?"
"I don't know Pearl, I've had some weird dreams before. Like, once, I dreamt I went time traveling and it ended me up in a coma. Pretty silly huh?"
Pearl chuckled at that, "Yeah, that is pretty silly. I guess you are right. Besides, that seems to far fetched to be true." She gasped then, "Oh god! We need to go pick up the kids from school!"
 So the two ladies hurried off to live their normal lives with their normal families. Far away from any Space Insanity. 


Aug 14, 2012

Chapter 8: The Void

                                                                         The crew and the "Super Hero" look around. Everything was white, the walls the floor the ceiling, even their clothes.

Silence also surround the Island weary Sim Fleet members.

It felt so eerie, so...wrong.
Jack could tell something was wrong with Subrina.
"What's wrong sweet heart? You seem really upset about this..."

"Sigh," She looked away and closed her eyes, "That's because I've been here before..." She trailed off and went to sit down, Jack followed close behind her.

"Heh, who would of thought my cat could talk..." She stroked Rose and smiled. Then set her down.

"It's because of your cat that we're here!" Money Baggs was clearly upset, but Rose just let out a mocking meow and walked over to her.

"Ha! You think I would put my own master in danger? All I did was bring a lizard to you. You were the one that was supposed to 'save' us." It was easy to tell that Rose was unimpressed with the formally purple wearing hero. 

 Young Franklin walked over to Rose, " I don't think its your fault Rose. I know you are a good cat."
"Meow~ I knew this time travelling boy was smart. Thank you Franklin." She was happily cuddling his hand now.

 "UGH! It doesn't matter who's fault it was! The point is we need to get out of here." She went to Baggs then.

"You said you came to help us right?"
                                           "If that's true, then you MUST have a plan!"

"I want to know that too," Redd had butted in to the conversation, trying to get answers,
                                    "I mean, I can't THINK of any way to get out of this."
"There is NO way out... That's what Subrina says..." by then Rose had joined the depressed couple to the side.

"We're going to be stuck here..."
"Man, humans are so depressing. We CAN get out of here."

"And how do you suggest that? Huh FLUFFY?"
"We wait." Jack let out a scoff. "Don't scoff at me Jack, its like hunting, you'll never get what you want by rushing, you have to wait....for the perfect time to pounce." 

 "I don't think I can wait in here. This is the same place I was when I was in that weird coma..."
"I don't like the feeling...I feel so alone here."

 "You're not alone Subrina," Captain Juno was crouched next to her now, "We're here with you...We'll all sit with you in the void."
And with that, they all sat down, and waited.

Jun 26, 2012

Chapter 7: Odd Happenings.

The jump into the teleporter was an easy one, it was the landings that were always hard for Money Baggs. But sure enough, she landed safe and sound...

When the bright lights dimmed down, Money Baggs could see she was in an interoir of a ship, with an odd device to her left. 
"UGH! Did I land in the wrong place again? That always happens to me when I jump like that...I need to stop that. Hmmm, I should look around though." To her right was a door, so she took it.
Looking around after exiting the door, she could see she was in the right place.

"What in Creator's name...." The first thing she saw was a man looking through a fish shaped telescope and another man dancing in front of a volley ball with a face on it. "I think I landed in Weirdo-Land..."

Walking down the steps of the parked ship, Money was stopped by the crew's captain, Pearl.
"Uh, can I help you?"
She had a sweet but confused smile on her face.
Money Bagg's jumped at the chance to introduce her self. 
                              "Ah! you must be Captain Juno! I'm Money Bagg's, a local lunar hero!"
 "I know it sounds crazy, but I have just come from a nearby moon after discovering the evil plans of a man called Dr. Dull." At this point Pearl had a blank expression, but continued to listen.

"And I decided I'd save you from this place! What do you think???"
Pearl was silent for a few moments.
 "Hmmm well, that is very kind of you, miss....Baggs. But how does what happened to us fit into an evil plan?"
 "I mean we were just cruising through space to goto a water planet to check out a new island, when all of a sudden our ship start to spin.
 "and we were all like 'Ahhhh, the ships crashing!' Then we landed here, on this island. I'm sure you could see the crater from space.
 "You can," Money replied, " It's about this big from space, but that's not the point. You I want to help you guys get home!"
           "But as I look around, you seem to be settling nicely, and making a home for your selves."

"Oh, but we do want to go home," Pearl's eyes started to lower,"Very badly, we all miss our lives in Sim Nation, and most of us are thinking of quitting if we ever get home." 
Just then, Redd walked up, "Captain, who's this...person?" 

 "Oh! Redd, this is umm, Money Bagg's. She said she found out an evil plan that caused us to crash here. She wants to help us get home!"
 "Nice you meet you, Commander Mars, right? I can't wait to work with you and the rest of the crew to get you home!"

"Oh, nice to meet you...... BUT HOW DO WE KNOW YOU'RE BOT SOME SPY OR SOMETHING!!"
 " Hmmm, I can see how you could be so skeptical, but I can assure you, I'm not evil. I really want to help. Help me help you. I need a way to get you off the island. "
"OK, but you'll want to talk to Subrina over there, she's our inventor. Great with tools, or at least she has been since we crashed." 
 "Hmmm, Subrina, that sounds great, thanks you." So she headed over to the hard working woman dressed in her blue Sim Fleet uniform.
By then the sun had started to rise over the peaceful island, and Subrina's hair was shining brightly as she worked away at her table. 
 "Ummm, Subrina? Miss Normal? Can I request something from you? I'm here to help you guys get off the island...but I need your skills with tools...."
 "Hmmm?" With that Subrina looked up from the table and walked over to Money Baggs. "Oh, YOU want to use MY skills to get US off the island? How sweet." The sarcasm in her voice stung with ever word.
"Ummmmm...." Money was slightly shocked, she looke dso sweet, "Yes??" Subrina's face housed a  smug look as she watched the confused hero try and think of things to say.
" Hmmph. Why don't you take your 'I want to help' butt,
 .        and go take a long swim in the ocean, but keep swimming until you find a new island. 
               Ouch, that stung. Money thought as she walked away. New tactic, oh! cute geek!
She has laid her eyes on Jack, who had just finished up looking at orbiting stars. 
                  "Hay there handsome, could you help me out with finding a way off the island?"
 "Ummmmm..... " He just looked at her with a confused look, not knowing what was going on.
When out of no where, Subrina came over and started to yell. "Stay the hell away from him you purple freak! He's mine and you have no right to flirt with him! GO AWAY!!" Jack was still starring, shocked.    
 "Subrina," Jack said, "I never knew how much you loved me! I'm so sorry for everything!" And with that, they kissed. (D'awwwwww) 
"Right, awkward.... Ugh, can ANYONE help me help these guys?" 
                                                                 "I can"
                                       "GAH! Who said that?" She looked around frantically.
                                        " I did, look down." So sh did, and saw...Pearl's cat?
"Oh my god, I'm going crazy, there's a talking cat..."
"Ugh, humans, You are not going crazy, or at least, I really am talking.
                                "Uhhh, ok, well, talking cat, you are covered in flees."

    " Hmmph. Humans. You would be too, if you've been stuck here for months! So be quiet. "
 "Ummm are you done licking your self?" She was watching the pink cat clean, and it was odd for her, considering it had just talked."  The cat looked up, "I will be if you brush me." Money couldn't real ague, so she picked up the brush near by and started to brush the pink talking cat.
"Ooooooo, yes, meow!"
                                                      "Mmmhmmmm, to the left,
                                              oh, that's the spot. No! now to the right."
                                   "Meow! Get all of my back. I need to loose that extra fur.
Ah, very nice. Very, very nice."

                                   "Ok, I brushed you, now will you tell me what to do?"
The cat meerly stretched and while yawning said, "Meow, you humans are so impatient! Give me a moment." And with that, the cat walked away into some nearby grass. A few moments passed before it returned. 

                                 "Well, here it is...." The cat had a sleepy tone to its voice.
            "A lizard?? That's it? Ok." With that she bent down and petted the pink feline.Who trotted off after that to go take a nap.
All of a sudden, a bright light encased and surrounded the little lizard and things started to spin.
                          And as soon as Subrina saw this, she knew what was happening.
                                                        And she was scared....